Meat cutting

Meat cutting

Meat cutting
Water jet cutting is done without any contact with the product.
Compliant with regulations related to food safety and hygiene, the main advantage of the MDA water jet machine range is the absence of a blade. The water in contact is easy to control, thus reducing the bacteriological risks. Water jet cutting allows a wide variety of foods to be cut to create: bacon, slices of cold meats,  ... with great flexibility in the diversity of shapes produced.


Contact us for our references in this sector and for more information on our solutions.


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Atsižvelgdama į projekto ypatybes ir kliento specifikacijas, "MECANUMERIC" siūlo įvairias technologijas:

MECANUMERIC proposes its range of water jet machine MDA for the application of water jet cutting without contact delicatessen.

MAISTO PERDIRBIMAS : Žr. kitus pavyzdžius:



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